Boston Eye

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Letter from Sullivan's Island

Camp of the 23rd S.C. R. Sullivan's Island, S.C. Nov. 27 1863
Mr. L. M. Jones
My Dear Friend:
Pardon me for troubling you with this. This leaves me quite well at present though I have been suffering sometime from diarrhea, it is due to the water we have to drink on this Island. George is quite well, they and he with the rest are having very hard duty to do now. Guard picket and fatague duty that is gives them very little rest time.

Hope this may find you in good health. News is rather dull about here the enemy keep up a steady fire upon Fort Sumter, and occasionally they give Fort Moultrie and the city a touching up. Rather discouraging news from Braggs army. Grant has driven him back to Chickamauga and report is also that Longstreet has captured Brunside and seven thousand men.

Well what about my election can you give me any idea how I will run in your company. I want to soon send a short address to each company in service, get the commanding officer to read it to each company when our company drill. I have some very encouraging reports from some parts, and of course I hear some things that are just the contrary--that of course I must expect. I want you to stir up matters not only in your company but at home.

Capt. Lesesne will be with us on next Sunday or Monday, we are all anxiously looking for him, it has been some time since he has been with us.

Well as my time is short you must excuse this. Give by best responcts to Capt. McKnight and to all my friends and acquaintances--and accept the best regards for youself. From you friend,
Lovingly and Sincerely,
Wm. J. Clark, Co. I 23rd, S.C.R. Evans Brigade, Charleston, S.C.


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